

A studio conference inspired by Sandor Ferenczi's Clinical Diary. London, 18 October 2013 - 20 October 2013


A studio conference inspired by Sandor Ferenczi's Clinical Diary.

LONDON, 18/19/20 October 2013

Organised by
The Freud Museum and IMAGO International


A major international conference on the Clinical Diary and other work of Sándor Ferenczi, addressing themes of ‘freedom’ and ‘sincerity’, ‘trauma’, ‘borderline states’, ‘mutuality’, ‘self-analysis’ and the ethics of psychoanalysis. The conference celebrates the centenary of the British and Hungarian Psychoanalytic Societies, both founded in 1913, and the recent donation of the Ferenczi archive to the Freud Museum.


Please CLICK HERE to visit the website for this conference


Click here to download the conference poster

Proceeds from the conference will go to support the active development of the Ferenczi archive and other work of the Freud Museum.




FRIDAY 18 October, 6pm – 8.30pm

  • Opening Session: Analysts, Scholars, Detectives and Patients: Who is who in the Clinical Diary?
    with welcome drinks at the Anna Freud Centre.
    With: Christopher Fortune, William Brennan, and Emanuel Berman
    Facilitators: Tom Keve and Judit Szekacs


SATURDAY 19 October 2013, 9.30am – 8.30pm

  • Session 1: Sincerity, Honesty and Freedom
    With: André Haynal, Ken Robinson, Gábor Szőnyi
    Facilitator: Carlo Bonomi
  • Session 2: Experiencing, Re-Experiencing, Symbolization and New Beginnings
    With: Endre Koritar, Etty Cohen, Franco Borgogno
    Facilitator: Joan Raphael-Leff
  • Session 3: From Babies to Maturity
    With: Shaul Bar-Haim, Antal Bókay, Julianna Vamos, Kathleen Kelley-Lainé
    Facilitator: Gianna Williams
  • Evening Session: Kino-analytical Panel
    Two films by Em Cooper, Confusion of Tongues and The Nest, introduced and discussed by Kata Lénárd and Petra Kovács, with Em Cooper
    Facilitator: Kanaan Navaratnam
  • Reception at Freud Museum 6.45 – 8.30pm
    Live music and book launch, Sandor Ferenczi-Ernest Jones Letters 1911-1933, edited by Ferenc Erős, Judit Szekacs-Weisz, and Ken Robinson celebrating the double centenary of the foundation of both the British and Hungarian Psychoanalytical Societies.

SUNDAY 20 October 2013, 9.30am – 5.00pm

  • Session 1: Therapeutic Ethics and Analytic Concepts
    With: Julia Borossa, Benjamin Kilborne, and Hayuta Gurevich
    Facilitator: TBC
  • Session 2:  Ferenczi’s “Others” – Jung, Klein, Lacan
    With: Tom Keve, Isabel Halton, Yves Lugrin
    Facilitator: Giselle Galdi
  • Session 3:  Freedom, authority and the social unconsious
    With: Ferenc Erős, Jonathan Sklar
    Facilitator: Lene Auerstad
  • Plenary Session: Internal and External Reality: The Ferenczi Project
    With: various Speakers
    Facilitator: TBC


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